Puzzle Rules: Followings are the
rules to follow while solving (and authoring) a puzzle.
- A word to be valid -
- can appear only once in the solution;
- can be a commonly used object, name, person, place, event, action etc.;
- can be a well known object, name, person, place, event, action etc.;
- should be spelt correctly as per Sanskrit spelling rules;
- can be a commonly used compound word (समास / samaasa) of words;
- can use euphonic combination (सन्धि / sandhi) of syllables.
- The puzzle board has black and white cells.
- Only a white cell will have alphabet in it, and will be part of the word making.
- The black cell will always be left blank and is not part of the word making.
- Each cell will have only one syllable in it, either a full-syllable or a half-syllable.
- A valid word -
- is either from left to right (across) direction;
- or from top to bottom (downward) direction.
- Two words running in across and downward
direction can intersect each other. The alphabet on which intersection
happens is part of both words. Multiple words can also interesect each
other in forming words.
- The complete and contiguous set of white cells in either direction must
be a valid word.
- Some of the white cells will have clue numbers on them. A
clue to each clue number will be available to help forming words.
The clue will be applicable to across or downward or
both directions. A clue will exist for each possible word in the
final solution.
- To make word making easier few alphabets may be available in the
white cells. These in combination with the clues are to be used
to make words.
- The combined alphabets (संयुक्ताक्षर / sa.nyuktaakshara) are treated as one
single alphabet. If they are treated separately then part of the
half-syllable will be available on the white cell as a clue.
Example: क्य (kya) -
- can be treated as one alphabet; or
- the half-syllable क् (k) can be displayed in a white cell.
- In the puzzle each white cell is counted as one letter. The number
of letters in each word is mentioned in brackets after the clue.
- For Puzzle Authors - In the puzzle board the row, column or
both will have odd number of cells in them.